The beginning was a burning drip of fire and sandfrom a diviner’s tray: “You will pound your womb into ash; carry your bulbs to the pyre”That vast body. That loss, that oneline from many tongues.I was wide, fleet footedFree. I swallowed the pleaopened my handsto her underneathto her colored seas I am the […]
A Silent Cry
We journey through life,Seeking to come to the end,Exploring our common identityWith fears that express innermost realitiesHidden from the world of sightOnly expressed in a silent cry!We contemplate the goal,Of a journey not commonly traveled,By souls open to new imaginationsAnd besieged by the power of the tomb,In quest of the soul that lay therein,In a […]
Tell me about that woman
This is my story, I have longed to tell, To all those who are willing to listen, To help me find my way! This is my story, the hidden secret of life, Which mama Africa ought to hear, Treat all women, with respect, dignity and justice. This is my story I can only tell, One […]
A Desperate Cry for Mama Africa
Mama Africa, Mama Africa,Please heed,Our sacred stories to disentangle,With a spirituality that unseals the human heart,No more blood to cry,From your beautiful soil,0 mama Africa. Mama Africa, Mama Africa,Only for once open your heat,Listen to our voices of pain, anguish, and courage.Stop and listen for once,From the deep silence that dehumanizes, rapes and kills us,your […]
To Tell the Truth
For many years,I was forced,to sit quietly by,and be subjected to the hatefulwords and actsof self-righteous,religious bigots.Imagine feelingout-numbered,overwhelmed,alone,outcast,and separated from God,all because youknew that you were different.Imagine hidingwho and what you are,your friendships,your relationships,and who you date,all to avoid the same fateas Matthew Shephardand others whose nameswere forever wiped-off life’s slate.Imagine beingphysically, emotionally,psychologically,and even sexually […]