We journey through life,
Seeking to come to the end,
Exploring our common identity
With fears that express innermost realities
Hidden from the world of sight
Only expressed in a silent cry!
We contemplate the goal,
Of a journey not commonly traveled,
By souls open to new imaginations
And besieged by the power of the tomb,
In quest of the soul that lay therein,
In a silent cry of justice,
Celebrating the calmness of ubuntu
We bemoan the experience of our expedition
In spirituality and in reticence,
The journey into an open world of beauty, of love,
In its diversity, sexuality is celebrated,
Amidst the sacred spirit of unknowing,
A silent cry of determination is heard,
Connecting the knots of interconnected souls!
We may not thrive today.
But in otiose,
we discover the sacred.
In humility, love and ubuntu,
We experience the Spirit's eeriness.
So we open ourselves to Divine surprise,
to sacred wonder.
Celebrating a sexual diversity,
Expressed in that silent cry!