Section I
Poetry: A Desperate Cry for Mama Africa by Kapya Kaoma
Secrecy and the Poetics of Witness: Mourning Fanny Ann Eddy by Dora King
Unmasking the Colonial Silence: Sexuality in Africa in the Post-Colonial Context by Kapya Kaoma
Thank You For Making Me Strong: Sexuality, Gender and Environmental Spirituality by Yvette Abrams
African Religions, the Parapolitics of Discretion and Sexual Ambiguity in African Oral Epics by S.N. Nyeck
Section II. Sexual Diversity, Gender and Religion
Poetry: Tell Me About That Woman by Kapya Kaoma
Religious Leadership and the Re-Politicisation of Gender and Sexuality in Cameroon by Patrick Awondo
Crossing the Bright Red Line: The Abuse of Religion to Violate Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Uganda by Sylvia Tamale
Boaz as ‘Sugar Daddy’: Re-Reading Ruth in the Context of HIV by Gerald O. West and Beverly G. Haddad
Section III. New Heuristic Models for Liberation
Poetry: A Silent Cry by Kapya Kaoma
Poetry: from Autobiography of my mother by Dora King
Infunkutu—the Bemba Sexual Dance as Women’s Sexual Agency by Mutale M. Kaunda and Chammah J. Kaunda
The Good Samaritan and Sexual Minorities in Africa: Christianity, the US Christian Right and the Dialogical Ethics of Ubuntu by Kapya Kaoma and Petronella Chalwe
The Public Religious Speech Acts That Does Justice: Reclaiming the Narrative of Resistance in the Context of Heterosexism by Chammah J. Kaunda
Towards an African Liberationist Queer Theological Pedagogy by Gerald O. West