Mama Africa, Mama Africa,
Please heed,
Our sacred stories to disentangle,
With a spirituality that unseals the human heart,
No more blood to cry,
From your beautiful soil,
0 mama Africa.
Mama Africa, Mama Africa,
Only for once open your heat,
Listen to our voices of pain, anguish, and courage.
Stop and listen for once,
From the deep silence that dehumanizes, rapes and kills us,
your debarred daughters and sons,
Our sexual orientation offends you, 0 mama Africa,
Yet your womb gave birth to all of us.
Mama Africa, Mama Africa,
Disrupt and unsettle this appalling silence!
Speak out, didn't you hear?
In the pool of blood,
Poured as sacred libation to our ancestors,
In their hands Maurice Mjomba cries,
David Kato,
Fanny Ann Eddy,
Eric Lembembe,
Eudy Simelane, Duduzile Zozo, Patricia Mashigo,
and of course Madieye Diallo,
In unison, all of them cry,
for how long, for how long Mama Africa?
Mama Africa, Mama Africa,
If only for once you can feel,
the injustice of corrective rapes,
Extortions, blackmails, and all sexual violence on sexual minorities,
their blood and tears to God loudly cry,
Mama Africa, mama Africa,
your beautiful skies are witnesses,
the setting sun is the courage,
that links us to the ancestors,
As they sing welcome to us,
your demeaned and abused children!